Buy heirloom and locally grown grex/landrace seed

We are a collective of New Zealand based hobby gardeners and horticulturalists.

Our seed is hand harvested from regionally adapted plants ideally suited to your region and climate, if unsure when to sow we recommend asking your local experienced gardeners.

Lettuce, Rocket - 187SS

Lettuce, Rocket - 187SS

Details   Rocket is a lettuce native to the Mediterranean region, Rocket is used as a leaf vegetable in salads, it is known for its fresh and peppery flavor.
Propagation: Sow seeds directly where to grow or in a tray of seed raising mix in a warm sunny location, should germinate in 7-14 days.

Botanical name   brassica vesicaria
Date Of Seed Harvest   March 2021
Grower name   Sarah Smith
Storage Info   Seed frozen stored
Contains at least   50 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
Pittosporum Lemonwood, Tarata - 185SS

Pittosporum Lemonwood, Tarata - 185SS

Details   Lemonwood can grow up to 12 m tall and is NZ's largest Pittosporum it can be grown throughout New Zealand but will need some protection from heavy frost when young.
Propagation: Seed is best cold treated in the fridge for 6 weeks.  Sow seeds directly on to a firm bed of seed raising mix and press in, cover with a light layer of mix. Sow in Autumn sow in pots outside and seedlings should appear in spring.
Botanical name   pittosporum eugenioides
Date Of Seed Harvest   Jan 2023
Grower name   Sarah Smith
Contains at least   40
Price per packet   $5.50
Watch Only 10 in stock   Order
Lettuce, Drunken Woman - 205SS

Lettuce, Drunken Woman - 205SS

Details   Drunken Woman is an Italian heirloom lettuce that produces bright green leaves with ruffled edges in a deep bronze color.  It is a popular lettuce to grow for beginner gardeners because it is very easy to grow and slow to bolt.
Propagation: Best sown directly where to grow, in rows or scattered sections, should germinate in 7-14 days.

Botanical name   lactuca sativa
Date Of Seed Harvest   Jan 2022
Grower name   Sarah Smith
Storage Info   Seed frozen stored
Contains at least   50 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
Watch Only 8 in stock   Order
Five Finger, Whauwhaupaku - 174SS

Five Finger, Whauwhaupaku - 174SS

Details   Five Finger is a fast growing native often found in regenerating forest.  Its leaves consist of five to seven leaflets, in winter five finger produces clusters of purple flowers at the tips of its branches creating abundant pollen and copious, rich nectar for birds and bees, the tree grows to around 8 meters.
Propagation: Sow Five Finger Seeds on a firm bed of seed mix, cover with a fine layer of mix and water thoroughly then place in a warm sheltered spot.

Botanical name   pseudopanax arboreus
Date Of Seed Harvest   March 2023
Grower name   Sarah Smith
Storage Info   seed restocked each year
Contains at least   30
Price per packet   $5.50
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Marigold - Petite Mixed - 307SS

Marigold - Petite Mixed - 307SS

Details   Marigolds are an annual flower that provide a burst of colour for about 6 months. They come in a range of yellow, orange, bronze and gold colours. Marigolds are a fantastic companion plant as they help to keep aphids away.

Propagation: Plant seeds in spring/summer in seed raising mix, cover with 5mm of fine mix and keep evenly moist .
Botanical name   Tagetes lacera
Date Of Seed Harvest   March 2024
Grower name   Sarah Smith
Contains at least   50
Price per packet   $4.50
Scarlet Rata Vine - 314SS

Scarlet Rata Vine - 314SS

Details   Metrosideros fulgens is a native vine also known as climbing rata or scarlet rata vine. The vine can be found in lowland forest in the North Island, on the West Coast of the South Island and on the Three Kings Islands. It's bright red flowers resemble the Pohutukawa, it flowers between autumn and spring and prefers a warm moist habitat.

Propagation: For best results germinate seeds on top of moist seed raising mix, cover once germination starts as the seed needs light to germinate.
Botanical name   Metrosideros fulgens
Grower name   Sarah Smith
Date Of Seed Harvest   April 2024
Contains at least   50
Price per packet   $4.50
Renga Renga Lily - 127SS

Renga Renga Lily - 127SS

Details   Renga Renga Lily also known as the New Zealand Rock Lily, is a great replacement for the invasive agapanthus and an alternative to bromeliads. Renga Renga lilies are clump forming perennials about 75 cm tall with soft grey green arching strappy leaves. They cope well with dry coastal areas but do best in dappled shade and when mass planted they are an impressive sight in spring and summer when they send up tall spikes that produce clouds of white flowers that are followed by fruits and seeds that are attractive to birds.
Propagation: Seed scarification is recommended, place seeds in a cup of warm water, leave to cool for 24hrs then sow seeds directly on to a firm bed of seed raising mix and press well in. Cover with a light layer of mix.
Botanical name   Arthropodium cirratum
Grower name   Sarah Smith
Date Of Seed Harvest   March 2024
Storage Info   Seed frozen stored
Contains at least   30
Price per packet   $4.50
Kowhai, North Island - 202SS

Kowhai, North Island - 202SS

Details   North Island Kowhai has larger more widely spaced leaves than the other seven species. Kowhai grows naturally in eastern North Island but will grow just as well in the South Island. Propagation - Seed is best sown in autumn to allow for stratification, or this can be done by placing in the fridge for 6 weeks, then a chip removed from the side of the seed with something like a steak knife, this allows moisture to enter helping germination.
Botanical name   sophora tetraptera
Grower name   Sarah Smith
Storage Info   seed renewed yearly
Contains at least   30
Price per packet   $4.50
Sarah Smith - Bay of plenty grower

Sarah Smith - Bay of plenty grower

Sarah lives with her husband and 2 boys on a 5 acre block in the sunny Bay of Plenty.  She has always had a love of the outdoors and in particular gardening with a passion for anything edible be it fruit, vegetables, herbs or flowers.

Sarah developed an interest in seed saving from a young age and also being a hobbyist bee keeper for 5+ years has made her more aware of the importance of flowers as a food source for our pollinators and retaining these pollinated seeds for future use.

Sarah also has a keen interest in NZ Native Plants and how they provide shelter and food for wildlife and support pollinators.  She is keen to promote the biodiversity and stewardship of our natural heritage.

Tickseed, Coreopsis - 334SS

Tickseed, Coreopsis - 334SS

Details   Coreopsis is an easily grown upright perennial, it has yellow flowers with brown centers. It flowers from early summer through to autumn. Providing colour that is attractive for bees.
Propagation: Seeds germinate readily so can be sown directly into flower beds in spring or earlier undercover in seed raising trays.
Grower name   Sarah Smith
Date Of Seed Harvest   Feb 2024
Contains at least   40
Price per packet   $4.50
Red Matipo, Mapou - 184SS

Red Matipo, Mapou - 184SS

Details   Red Matipo is a species native to the North, South and Stewart Island of New Zealand, it grows into a small shrub or tree to a height of 4-6 meters. It can be used as a revegetation species or in an understory position. Propagation: Sow Red Matipo seeds directly onto a firm bed of seed raising mix and press well in. Cover with a light layer of mix.  Seedlings usually appear in two to three months depending on temperature.
Botanical name   myrsine australis
Grower name   Sarah Smith
Date Of Seed Harvest   March 2022
Storage Info   Seed frozen stored
Contains at least   30
Price per packet   $5.50
Tamarillo - Laird's Large - 213SS

Tamarillo - Laird's Large - 213SS

Details   Laird's Large Tamarillo is a fast growing bush that can produce up to 20kgs when fully grown.  The fruit is a large deep purple/red colour. Tamarillo bushes are frost tender and need good shelter from winds.  Tamarillo's are susceptible to aphids and whitefly, consider companion planting with herbs such as basil or coriander to deter pests. Propagation: Sow Lairds Large Tamarillo seeds directly onto a firm bed of seed raising mix and press in well.  Cover with a light layer of mix.  Seedlings usually appear in 7-14 days.
Botanical name   Solanum betaceum
Grower name   Sarah Smith
Date Of Seed Harvest   March 2022
Storage Info   Seed frozen stored
Contains at least   30 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
Italian Valena Bean - 266SS

Italian Valena Bean - 266SS

Details   Italian Valena Beans are a duel-purpose bean variety that can be used as a young green bean or dried bean. The pods are flat and green when young then turn tan with maroon streaks as they mature. The seeds are large, egg-shaped and tan with dark purple/brown streaks. Propagation: Italian Valena Bean seeds can either be placed in a seed raising tray for subsequent transplanting or plant in the garden where to grow.Take 7-14 days to germinate.
Botanical name   Phaseolus vulgaris
Grower name   Sarah Smith
Date Of Seed Harvest   Feb 2023
Contains at least   30
Price per packet   $4.50
Lavender - Avonview - 116SS

Lavender - Avonview - 116SS

Details   Avonview is a popular small growing lavender, perfect for rockeries or patio containers. It can make a good low hedge. Thrives in open sunny positions in well drained soil. Trim after flowering in spring/summer to keep compact and to encourage new growth.  Frost hardy to -5*
Propagation: Sow seeds in a tray of seed raising mix in a warm sunny location, should germinate in 14-21 days.

Botanical name   Lavandula stoechas
Grower name   Sarah Smith
Date Of Seed Harvest   March 2022
Contains at least   30
Price per packet   $4.50
Watch Only 6 in stock   Order
Tarahumara - Climbing Bean - 265SS

Tarahumara - Climbing Bean - 265SS

Details   Tarahumara Climbing Beans are a very unusual deep purple bean, with a few grey and dark red types mixed in. A Climbing bean with dark lilac flowers and colourful pods, this bean hails from Mexico.
Propagate: Plant Tarahumara Climbing Bean seeds in spring either inside in trays for later outside transplanting or outside where you wish to grow, watch for slugs and snails.
Botanical name   Phaseolus vulgaris
Grower name   Sarah Smith
Date Of Seed Harvest   March 2023
Storage Info   Seed frozen stored
Contains at least   30 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
Watch Only 6 in stock   Order
Nasturtium, Alaska Collection - 183SS

Nasturtium, Alaska Collection - 183SS

Details   Nasturtium is an annual garden plant cultivated all over the world. The stem can reach 60cm long, with small almost round veined leaves. The leaves and flowers can be used in salads with other greens. It has a slightly peppery taste reminiscent of watercress. Nasturtium is a wonderful companion plant.

Nasturtium Seeds are best sown directly where to grow in a warm sunny location, should germinate in 7-14 days.
Botanical name   tropaeolum majus
Grower name   Sarah Smith
Date Of Seed Harvest   March 2021
Storage Info   Seed frozen stored
Contains at least   30
Price per packet   $4.50
Flax - Variegated New Zealand Green - 274SS

Flax - Variegated New Zealand Green - 274SS

Details   New Zealand Variegated Green Flax, Phormium Tenax has soft light green tips with cream stripes through the center, they can grow 3.5mt x 2mt wide with dark red flower spikes, that the Tui's love. Sometimes, this will grow bigger in the right conditions but being variegated, expect it to be smaller than the green non-variegated flax.
Propagation: Plant NZ Variegated Green Flax seeds in spring undercover in seed raising mix for later outside transplanting.

Botanical name   Phormium tenax variegatum
Grower name   Sarah Smith
Date Of Seed Harvest   Feb 2023
Contains at least   50
Price per packet   $4.50
Watch Only 6 in stock   Order
Tamarillo - Bold Gold - 267SS

Tamarillo - Bold Gold - 267SS

Details   Bold Gold Tamarillo is a fast growing bush that can produce up to 20kgs when fully grown. The fruit is medium size and yellow/gold in colour. Tamarillo bushes are frost tender and need good shelter from winds, they are susceptible to aphids and whitefly, so consider companion planting with herbs such as basil or coriander to deter pests. Propagation: Place Bold Gold Tamarillo seeds in seed raising mix cover with a fine layer of mix, water well and place tray in a warm sunny spot, spring is the best time, germination can take 2-3 weeks.
Botanical name   Solanum betaceum
Grower name   Sarah Smith
Date Of Seed Harvest   Aug 2023
Contains at least   30
Price per packet   $4.50
Endive Curly - Frisée - 306SS

Endive Curly - Frisée - 306SS

Details   Curly endive is a variety of chicory which is used in mesclun salads. It has pale green, narrow curly leaves that are slightly bitter.

Propagation: Sow seeds directly where to grow or in a tray of seed raising mix in a warm sunny location. Will germinate in 14 - 21 days.
Botanical name   Cichorium crispum
Grower name   Sarah Smith
Date Of Seed Harvest   March 2024
Storage Info   seed regrown each year
Contains at least   40
Price per packet   $4.50
Apple cucumber - 301SS

Apple cucumber - 301SS

Details   Small oval fruit are a bright, creamy white, about the size of a small apple; sweet, mild and very tender.
Botanical name   Cucurbitaceae Cucumis sativus
Grower name   Sarah Smith
Date Of Seed Harvest   Feb 2024
Contains at least   20
Price per packet   $4.50
Cucumber - Poona Kerra - 213SS

Cucumber - Poona Kerra - 213SS

Details   Poona Kerra is an heirloom from India. This cucumber produces creamy light-green fruits with a delicious crisp and juicy taste. Fruit are shaped like a potato with skin turning brown as they ripen.
Botanical name   Cucurbitaceae Cucumis sativus
Grower name   Sarah Smith
Date Of Seed Harvest   Feb 2022
Contains at least   20 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
Out of stock
Sweet Pea, Old Spice - 47ASS

Sweet Pea, Old Spice - 47ASS

Details   Old Spice has a wonderful colour mixture of white, pink and purple, and is heavily perfumed. Sweatpea is best sown in mid summer to late autumn, this heirloom variety will flower in 12-14 weeks.
Propagation: Soak the seeds in warm water for up to 24hrs, then sow in a tray of seed raising mix in a warm sunny position.
Botanical name   lathyrus odoratus
Grower name   Sarah Smith
Date Of Seed Harvest   March 2024
Contains at least   20
Price per packet   $4.50
Watch Only 5 in stock   Order
Pigeonwood, Porokaiwhiri - 166SS

Pigeonwood, Porokaiwhiri - 166SS

Details   Pigeon Wood is an attractive small tree with glossy leaves, clear white flowers followed by bright orange berries. These are a very important food source for Kereru and make it an attractive tree. It grows about 8 meters tall. Pigeonwood prefers a sheltered site with plenty of moisture and good soil, in semi-shade. Propagation: Sow Pigeonwood seeds directly on to a firm bed of seed raising mix and press well in, cover with a light layer of mix. Seedlings will come up in Autumn.
Botanical name   hedycarya arborea
Grower name   Sarah Smith
Date Of Seed Harvest   October 2021
Contains at least   30
Price per packet   $4.50
Watch Only 6 in stock   Order
Golden Light - 214SS

Golden Light - 214SS

Details   Golden Light tomatoes have been tested as having one of the highest levels of Tetra-cis-lycopene, a highly beneficial bioavailable form of lycopene. An orange teardrop fruit this variety is very similar to 'Orange Roma' which is a good producer of tasty Roma style tomatoes. Propagation: Sow Golden Light Tomato seeds directly onto a firm bed of seed raising mix and press in well.  Cover with a light layer of mix. Seedlings usually appear in two to three months depending on temperature.
Botanical name   Solanum lycopersicum
Grower name   Sarah Smith
Date Of Seed Harvest   Feb 2024
Contains at least   20 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
Black Matipo, Kohuhu - 201SS

Black Matipo, Kohuhu - 201SS

Details   Black Matipo is a pittosporum and is commonly known as kohuhu and other Maori names kohukohu and tawhiwhi. Its small, very dark purple flowers are only scented at night.This native grows into a small shrub or tree to a height of 3-6 meters tall. Ideal as a revegetation species or in a understory position.
Propagation: Sow Black Matipo seeds during spring and summer directly onto a firm bed of seed raising mix and press in well. Cover with a light layer of mix.Seedlings usually appear in two to three months depending on temperature.
Botanical name   Pittosporum tenuifolium
Grower name   Sarah Smith
Date Of Seed Harvest   March 2022
Storage Info   Seed frozen stored
Contains at least   40
Price per packet   $4.50
Tangella - 30SS

Tangella - 30SS

Details   Tangella Tomato is a very productive variety, producing beautiful bright orange fruits which have been a favourite in our salads. The small to medium-sized cherry fruits (15-50 grams) are often one of the first to ripen.
Botanical name   Solanum lycopersicum
Grower name   Sarah Smith
Date Of Seed Harvest   Feb 2024
Contains at least   20
Price per packet   $4.50
Pak Choi, Kwang Moon - 188SS

Pak Choi, Kwang Moon - 188SS

Details   Pak Choi or Bok Choy is a Chinese cabbage native to Hong Kong and Southern China. Ideal in stir-fries, soups or salads. Pak Choi is a cool weather crop that is easy to grow. It grows quickly and can be grown during winter in areas that see little or no frosts, doesn't do so well in summer as it tends to bolt. 
Propagation: Pak Choi Seeds are best sown directly where to grow, in rows or scattered sections, should germinate in 7-14 days.

Botanical name   brassica campestris
Grower name   Sarah Smith
Date Of Seed Harvest   March 2022
Storage Info   Seed frozen stored
Contains at least   40
Price per packet   $4.50
NZ Iris, Libertia - 189SS

NZ Iris, Libertia - 189SS

Details   Libertia, New Zealand Native Iris, is a small green/yellow native plant with iris like white flowers in Spring followed by orange/yellow fruit. Will grow as tall as 50cm. Handles frost but doesn't like being too dry.
Propagation: Seed scarification is recommended; place seeds in a cup of warm water, leave to cool for 24hrs then sow seeds directly on to a firm bed of seed raising mix and press well in. Cover with a light layer of mix.

Botanical name   libertia peregrinans
Grower name   Sarah Smith
Date Of Seed Harvest   Feb 2024
Contains at least   20
Price per packet   $4.50
Watch Only 4 in stock   Order
Kawakawa - 228SS

Kawakawa - 228SS

Details   Kawakawa is a shrub with knobbly joints and glossy large heart shaped leaves that are a dark green.  Kawakawa leaves are traditionally used to brew herbal remedies, balms, ointments or turned into a poultice and applied to treat skin abrasions and ailments. It is an incredibly medicinal and healing plant in New Zealand. Kawakawa is a coastal and lowland forest tree that prefers moist rich, free-draining soil in a semi-shade to shady position. It will tolerate an open windy situation but is frost tender. Kawakawa will often be found growing beneath the canopy of larger plantings such as pine trees, as the kawakawa plant does not require much light to flourish. Kawakawa produce a berry that turns from green to orange in February/March.
Propagation: Plant Kawakawa seeds in Summer and Autumn in moist seed raising mix, cover lightly and keep moist but not waterlogged in a warm partially shaded place. Seeds may take some time to appear, 6mths.
Botanical name   macropiper excelsum
Grower name   Sarah Smith
Date Of Seed Harvest   Jan 2024
Contains at least   40
Price per packet   $4.50
Lettuce, Freckles - 172SS

Lettuce, Freckles - 172SS

Details   A semi-cos heirloom variety with attractive light green leaves covered in red freckles. Lettuces are normally a cool weather crop that is easy to grow and grows quickly. Best sown directly where to grow, in rows or scattered sections, should germinate in 7-14 days.
Botanical name   lactuca sativa
Grower name   Sarah Smith
Date Of Seed Harvest   March 2024
Contains at least   50 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
Spring Onion - 61ASS

Spring Onion - 61ASS

Details   Spring onions are also known as green onions, scallions or sibies. They tend to have a milder taste than most other onions, they can be eaten either raw in salads or cooked. Sow in Spring through to early Autumn in the South Island or year around in Northern areas. Propagation - Sow seeds directly where to grow in a line or in a tray of seed raising mix in a warm sunny location, should germinate in 7-14 days.

Botanical name   allium fistulosum
Grower name   Sarah Smith
Date Of Seed Harvest   Dec 2023
Contains at least   50 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
Kowhai, Cook Strait - 32ASS

Kowhai, Cook Strait - 32ASS

Details   The Cook Strait Kowhai is one of eight species of Kowhai found in New Zealand. It grows along the shores of Cook Strait. A small dense tree that grows to 3 meters tall bearing leaves up to 100mm long.
Propagation: Seed is best sown in Autumn after a chip has been removed from the side of the seed with something like a sharp knife or sandpaper. This allows moisture to enter and help germination. Outside of autumn, chill seed in a fridge for two monthsSow seeds in a firm bed of seed raising mix and press in, cover with a light layer of mix. Seeds should germinate in 14 days.

Botanical name   Sophora molloyi
Grower name   Sarah Smith
Date Of Seed Harvest   June 2022
Storage Info   Seed frozen stored
Contains at least   30
Price per packet   $4.50
Hopi Yellow Bean - 257SS

Hopi Yellow Bean - 257SS


Hopi Yellow Beans are a high-yeilding tasty, early maturing, pole green bean that can be eaten as a fresh green bean or a dried light yellow/beige bean. From Hopi Indian, also called "grease beans".
Propagate: Plant Hopi yellow bean seeds in spring either inside in trays for later outside transplanting or outside where you wish to grow, watch for slugs and snails.

Botanical name   Phaseolus vulgaris
Grower name   Sarah Smith
Date Of Seed Harvest   Feb 2023
Contains at least   30
Price per packet   $4.50
Watch Only 4 in stock   Order
Radish - Chinese Red Meat - 125SS

Radish - Chinese Red Meat - 125SS

Details   Chinese Red Meat Radish is a heirloom variety that hails from China. A mild radish with a slightly peppery bite, it has a white and green skin but the centre is rich pink, sure to add a delightful colour to any salad.
Sow seeds in the ground where you intend to grow, cover with a fine layer of soil.

Botanical name   Raphanus sativus
Grower name   Sarah Smith
Date Of Seed Harvest   Feb 2021
Contains at least   50
Price per packet   $4.50
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Chard, Ford Giant Hook - 169SS

Chard, Ford Giant Hook - 169SS

Details   Ford Giant Hook is a Heirloom standard Silverbeet. It's crinkled leaves are mid green in colour with white veins. The stems are broad white, ideal as a steamed vegetable or in salad as a baby leaf.
Propagation: Sow seeds directly where to grow or in a tray of seed raising mix in a warm sunny location, should germinate in 14-21 days.

Botanical name   beta vulgaris
Grower name   Sarah Smith
Date Of Seed Harvest   Feb 2023
Storage Info   Seed frozen stored
Contains at least   50 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
Watch Only 6 in stock   Order
Pepper, Wild Fire - 206SS

Pepper, Wild Fire - 206SS

Details   Wild Fire Chili is a hot chili that is a very heavy producer, the chilies have a medium thick, dark green flesh that ripens to a bright red. A bushy upright plant that loves warm sunny positions. Can be planted in patio tubs or into the garden/greenhouse.  A basket of Wildfire Chilies are hot! rated 80,000 on the Scoville scale.
Propagation: Sow Wild Fire Chili seeds from September to October in seed raising mix, transplant out (undercover) in October to November, seeds should germinate in 14-21 days.

Botanical name   capsicum annuum
Grower name   Sarah Smith
Date Of Seed Harvest   March 2023
Contains at least   20
Price per packet   $4.50
Black Krim - 75SS

Black Krim - 75SS

Details   Black Krim Tomato is an heirloom tomato originating from Crimea, a Ukrainian peninsula. "Krim" is the Russian word for Crimea. This tomato is open-pollinated, and bears large flattened globe fruits that are dark reddish-purple to black with green/brown. A very good producing plant.
Propagation: Sow seeds in seed raising mix in Spring, prick out once 2 true leave appear.

Botanical name   Solanum lycopersicum
Grower name   Sarah Smith
Date Of Seed Harvest   Feb 2022
Contains at least   20 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
Kohlrabi - Early Purple Vienna - 105SS

Kohlrabi - Early Purple Vienna - 105SS

Details   Purple Vienna Kohlrabi is an heirloom, open-pollinated variety that is an ideal staple crop for cool-weather gardening. It is one of the easiest and most productive continuous harvests throughout autumn and winter months. Plants grow to 30cm tall and produce edible greens (leaves) in addition to the beautiful purple bulbs. The leaves taste similar to kale greens. Bulbs grow above the soil and have a purple exterior with a white flesh. The texture is crunchy and is excellent prepared raw as a slaw or an addition to salads, these should be harvested at about 7.5cm in diameter. 
Propagation: Sow Purple Vienna Kohlrabi seeds directly onto a firm bed of seed raising mix and press in well.  Cover with a light layer of mix.  Seedlings usually appear in 7-14 days.

Botanical name   Brassica oleracea
Grower name   Sarah Smith
Date Of Seed Harvest   Dec 2022
Storage Info   Seed frozen stored
Contains at least   50 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
Broccoli - De Cicco - 170SS

Broccoli - De Cicco - 170SS

Details   De Cicco Broccoli is a traditional Italian heirloom broccoli, producing medium sized delicious main heads followed by a large yield of side shoot spears.
Propagation: Sow De Cicco Broccoli seeds in trays of potting soil in late summer - early winter, plant out when 2nd leaves have developed.

Botanical name   : Brassica oleraceae
Grower name   Sarah Smith
Date Of Seed Harvest   2021
Storage Info   Seed frozen stored
Contains at least   50 seeds
Price per packet   $4.50
Watch Only 1 in stock   Add to Order
Onion - Red Bunching - 76SS

Onion - Red Bunching - 76SS

Details   Red Bunching Onion is an Evergreen red-skinned bunching Onion, grown and used in the same way as white Welsh Onions. Plants grow 70-75cm high, and 1.5-2cm in diameter, and have a mild sweet taste. This variety makes a welcome addition to any salad or culinary display with its bright red attractive stalks. Plant from early spring through to early autumn.  Maturity 120 days from direct sowing.
Propagation: Sow seeds directly where to grow in a line or in a tray of seed raising mix in a warm sunny location, should germinate in 7-14days.

Botanical name   Allium fistulosum
Grower name   Sarah Smith
Date Of Seed Harvest   Dec 2023
Storage Info   Seed frozen stored
Contains at least   50
Price per packet   $4.50
Tamarillo - Teds Red - 258SS

Tamarillo - Teds Red - 258SS

Details   Teds Red Tamarillo is a fast growing bush good producing tree when fully grown. The fruit is red in colour and medium. Tamarillo bushes are frost tender and need good shelter from winds. Tamarillo are susceptible to aphids and whitefly, consider companion planting with herbs such as basil or coriander to deter pests. Propagation: Place Teds Red Tamarillo seeds in seed raising mix cover with a fine layer of mix, water well and place tray in a warm sunny spot, spring is the best time, germination can take 2-3 weeks.
Botanical name   Solanum betaceum
Grower name   Sarah Smith
Date Of Seed Harvest   March 2023
Contains at least   20
Price per packet   $4.50
Watch Only 7 in stock   Order